Welcome to the Dojo
"There are many paths leading to the peak of Mount Fuji, but the goal is the same. There are many methods of reaching the top, and they all bring us to the heights. There is no need to battle with each other—we are all brothers and sisters who should walk the Path together, hand in hand. Keep to your Path, and nothing else will matter." -- Ueshiba Morihei
Fresh to Def
"A single cut of the sword summons up the wondrous powers of the universe. That one sword links past, present, and future; it absorbs the universe. Time and space disappear. All of creation, from the distant past to the present moment, lives in this sword. All human existence flourishes right here in the sword you hold in your own hands. You are now prepared for anything that may arise."
- Ueshiba, Morihei
Code of Honor
Manifest compassion without and store up courage within. All love, all ways. Each one, teach one. Protect ya neck.